Fimple and Abra Partners have joined forces, establishing a strategic cooperation in the transformation projects of financial companies. Thanks to this collaboration, financial institutions will be able to deploy...
Monitor your customers’ transactions, such as money transfers, with no delays. Financial institutions can automate their transaction monitoring process.
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With our Smart Treasury Management product, all your processes can be managed from a single platform. With the introduction of remote work into our lives, increasing the communication and...
PayGate™ Search is a web-based online SWIFT archiving and reporting tool, additionally, it provides an importing tool for existing SWIFT archive files with several formats. PayGate™ Search enables a...
PayGate™ Message SDK is .NET framework for SWIFT messages. Provides all required infrastructure for the teams who want to develop in-house SWIFT application with limited SWIFT knowledge. PayGate™ Message...
PayGate™ Maestro is a financial messaging management system, that enhances the workflow of cross-
border payments infrastructure with a flexible business rule engine to support higher STP rates. It
provides advanced...
PayGate™ KYC is a customer risk-rating application, which helps to identify and verify customers by using customer information during client onboarding and account management. PayGate™ KYC helps financial institutions...
PayGate™ Inspector is a blacklist filtering application, that ensures compliance with AML regulations by filtering financial transactions and customer databases against official and private watchlists.
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PayGate™ Analyzer is a next generation transaction monitoring application used for identifying suspicious customer behavior inside a financial institution. With the perfect combination of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and a...
PayGate™ Analytics is a web-based application that reconciles SWIFT message counts between integrated systems and provides reports about conflicts.
PayGate™ Analytics ensures conflict management by reporting the consistency of SWIFT...