With the introduction of remote work into our lives, increasing the communication and interaction between the units brought along the need for a different approach in treasury management.
SpineX is a Treasury Management Product that provides efficiency increase by gathering all operations on a single platform with the aim of both speeding up and simplifying business processes in treasury departments.

A module where transactions made from trading platforms are automatically fed to the main banking system and market data can be obtained from platforms containing market data.
A module in which market data is gathered under a central database, and the data group that will be the basis for pricing of treasury products, profit / loss calculation and risk calculation is modeled.
Trader is the module to be used for position monitoring, profit/loss and risk tracking
Price negotiation between the branch and the Treasury Sales team, the module where the branch will perform transaction pricing for wealthy customers.
The module where traders’ trading limits and collateral / limit monitoring for interbank transactions will be made.
The module to monitor the bank cash flow.
What Spinex Gains To You
%97 Reducing the Operational
%93 Saving Time
User Friendly Interface
Reasonable Price
Efficient Production
Fully Digitized and Integrated FO