VeriPark is a global solutions provider enabling financial institutions to become digital leaders with its Intelligent Customer Experience suite. With its main offices located in United States, United Kingdom, Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East, VeriPark is helping financial institutions to enhance their customer acquisition, retention and cross-sell capabilities by providing proven, secure and scalable Customer Relationship Management, Omni-Channel Experience, Branch Automation, Loan Origination and Next Best Action solutions.
VeriPark’s Branch Automation Solution VeriBranch empowers banks to transform their branches into high-value sales centers. It leverages technology to empower branch staff and deliver unparalleled customer satisfaction. The solution enables bank employees and technology to work together, with the right information at their fi ngertips to execute transactions. VeriBranch directly connects to back-offi ce customer systems enabling banks to streamline business processes. With this solution, banks can provide their branch staff with the necessary infrastructure and tools to make sure they are equipped with everything they need in a remote work environment. Bank tellers can execute effi cient transactions, such as loan origination, account origination and transfers from a single user interface. Relationship Managers and advisors can engage customers and provide personalized fi nancial planning services whether they work at the branch or at their remote work stations.
VeriChannel Mobile Banking provides anytime, anywhere access to banking customers across leading mobile platforms like iOS, Android, and Windows. It offers intuitive products for both the retail and corporate sectors and a browser-based interface as well as Native and Hybrid applications. Our responsive solutions operate across mobile, tablet, desktop and wearable devices so you can deliver unified and personalized services.